The 2002 Sirna Family Reunion
Home Schedule of Events Event Site Location & Directions Lodging Local Services Photo Album Favorites Contacts Tell me your ideas

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Welcome to the Sirna Family Reunion 2002 web site!

This years event will be held July 26 & 27, 2002 at the Mull's homestead in Shawsville Va.

Reunion Reservation Form    Dale's Latest Reunion Info Letter

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            Your To Do's:

  1. Mark your calendar - July 26th & 27th
  2. Arrange for lodging - see Lodging page
  3. Register to attend - due by June 30th
  4. Find a White Elephant for the auction
  5. Decide on your "talent" (is this the right family?)
    and bring you musical instruments for a family jam
  6. Come and enjoy yourselves


See you in July!
Dale, Mike, Steve, Diana, Dave

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Hosts Only Page

This page was last updated on 07/16/02.      Hit Counter
To report problems with this site please use the feedback form
(C) 2002 The Family