E8700-20051124-DSCN1927  Thanksgiving 2005 at the Siphers' house : Carolyn, Lois, Sue  E8700-20051124-DSCN1928  Thanksgiving 2005 at the Siphers' house : John, Leslie  E8700-20051124-DSCN1930  Thanksgiving 2005 at the Siphers' house : John, Leslie  E8700-20051124-DSCN1931  Thanksgiving 2005 at the Siphers' house : Buzz  E8700-20051124-DSCN1932  Thanksgiving 2005 at the Siphers' house : Alison, Carolyn, Lois 
E8700-20051124-DSCN1933  Thanksgiving 2005 at the Siphers' house : Amy, Buzz, Leslie  E8700-20051124-DSCN1934  Thanksgiving 2005 at the Siphers' house : Alison, Amy, Ann, Lois, Susan  E8700-20051124-DSCN1935  Thanksgiving 2005 at the Siphers' house : Alison, Lois  E8700-20051124-DSCN1936  Thanksgiving 2005 at the Siphers' house : Amy  E8700-20051124-DSCN1937  Thanksgiving 2005 at the Siphers' house : Ann, Susan 
E8700-20051124-DSCN1939  Thanksgiving 2005 at the Siphers' house : Alison