SLT-A33-20131005-DSC09493  Dad's 80th birthday at The Draper Mercantile : 80, Dale, birthday  Dale  Dad's 80th birthday at The Draper Mercantile : 80, Dale, birthday  Mike  Dad's 80th birthday at The Draper Mercantile : 80, Dale, Mike, birthday  DJ  Dad's 80th birthday at The Draper Mercantile : 80, DJ, Dale, birthday  Alison  Dad's 80th birthday at The Draper Mercantile : 80, Alison, Dale, birthday 
Lois  Dad's 80th birthday at The Draper Mercantile : 80, Dale, Lois, birthday  Andy  Dad's 80th birthday at The Draper Mercantile : 80, Andy, Dale, birthday  SLT-A33-20131005-DSC09505  Dad's 80th birthday at The Draper Mercantile : 80, Colin, Dale, Mel, birthday  SLT-A33-20131005-DSC09506  Dad's 80th birthday at The Draper Mercantile : 80, Andy, Colin, Dale, Mel, birthday  SLT-A33-20131005-DSC09511  Dad's 80th birthday at The Draper Mercantile : 80, Dale, Steve, birthday 
Colin and Mel  Dad's 80th birthday at The Draper Mercantile : 80, Colin, Dale, Mel, birthday  SLT-A33-20131005-DSC09514  Dad's 80th birthday at The Draper Mercantile : 80, Dale, Martha, birthday  Martha and DJ  Dad's 80th birthday at The Draper Mercantile : 80, DJ, Dale, Martha, birthday  SLT-A33-20131005-DSC09516  Dad's 80th birthday at The Draper Mercantile : 80, Dale, Mike, birthday  SLT-A33-20131005-DSC09518  Dad's 80th birthday at The Draper Mercantile : 80, Dale, birthday 
SLT-A33-20131005-DSC09520  Dad's 80th birthday at The Draper Mercantile : 80, Dale, birthday  SLT-A33-20131005-DSC09521  Dad's 80th birthday at The Draper Mercantile : 80, Dale, birthday  Neon Sign  Dad's 80th birthday at The Draper Mercantile : 80, Dale, birthday  SLT-A33-20131005-DSC09525  Dad's 80th birthday at The Draper Mercantile : 80, Dale, birthday  SLT-A33-20131005-DSC09526  Dad's 80th birthday at The Draper Mercantile : 80, Dale, band, birthday 
SLT-A33-20131005-DSC09532  Dad's 80th birthday at The Draper Mercantile : 80, Dale, band, birthday  SLT-A33-20131005-DSC09534  Dad's 80th birthday at The Draper Mercantile : 80, Dale, band, birthday  SLT-A33-20131005-DSC09536  Dad's 80th birthday at The Draper Mercantile : 80, Dale, band, birthday