E8700-20080812-DSCN5201  Myrtle Beach with the Bowen's View from the room at the Royal Palms : 2008, Myrtle Beach, SC  E8700-20080814-DSCN5204  Myrtle Beach with the Bowen's Alison, Audrie, Cole : 2008, Alison, Audrey Bowen, Cole Bowen, Myrtle Beach, SC  E8700-20080814-DSCN5205  Myrtle Beach with the Bowen's Alison, Audrie, Cole : 2008, Alison, Audrey Bowen, Myrtle Beach, SC  E8700-20080814-DSCN5206  Myrtle Beach with the Bowen's Alison : 2008, Alison, Myrtle Beach, SC  E8700-20080814-DSCN5207  Myrtle Beach with the Bowen's Audrie & Hal : 2008, Audrey Bowen, Hal, Myrtle Beach, SC 
E8700-20080814-DSCN5208  Myrtle Beach with the Bowen's Alison, Audrie and the girls sandcastles : 2008, Alison, Myrtle Beach, SC  E8700-20080814-DSCN5209  Myrtle Beach with the Bowen's Audrie and the girls sandcastles : 2008, Audrey Bowen, Myrtle Beach, SC  E8700-20080814-DSCN5210  Myrtle Beach with the Bowen's Audrie, Alison and the girls sandcastles : 2008, Alison, Audrey Bowen, Myrtle Beach, SC  E8700-20080814-DSCN5211  Myrtle Beach with the Bowen's Audrie and the girls sandcastles : 2008, Audrey Bowen, Myrtle Beach, SC  E8700-20080814-DSCN5212  Myrtle Beach with the Bowen's Alison and the girls sandcastles : 2008, Alison, Myrtle Beach, SC 
E8700-20080814-DSCN5215  Myrtle Beach with the Bowen's Alison, Audrie and the girls sandcastles : 2008, Alison, Audrey Bowen, Myrtle Beach, SC