ILCE-6500-20181006-DSC02972 : 2018, Hal, Portugal, RDU, _year_, airport  ILCE-6500-20181006-DSC02976 : 2018, Portugal, RDU, Steve, _year_, airport  20181006 230124 : 2018, Hal, Portugal, Teresa, Toronto, YYZ, _highlights_, _year_, airport  20181006 230230 : 2018, Lois, Portugal, Steve, Toronto, YYZ, _highlights_, _year_, airport  20181007 054433 : 2018, Lisbon, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, aerial 
20181007 055106 : 2018, Lisbon, Portugal, _year_, aerial  20181007 063541 : 2018, LIS, Lisbon, Portugal, Steve, _year_, airport  ILCE-6500-20181007-DSC02978 : 2018, Lisbon, Oriente station, Portugal, _year_, train station  ILCE-6000-20181007-DSC04393 : 2018, Hal, Lisbon, Lois, Oriente station, Portugal, Teresa, _highlights_, _year_, train station  ILCE-6500-20181007-DSC02979 : 2018, Lisbon, Oriente station, Portugal, _year_, clock, train station 
ILCE-6500-20181007-DSC02980 : 2018, Lisbon, Oriente station, Portugal, _year_, train station  ILCE-6500-20181007-DSC02982 : 2018, Lisbon, Oriente station, Portugal, _year_, train station  ILCE-6500-20181007-DSC02983 : 2018, Lisbon, Oriente station, Portugal, _year_, train, train station  ILCE-6500-20181007-DSC02984 : 2018, Lisbon, Oriente station, Portugal, _year_, train, train station  ILCE-6500-20181007-DSC02985 : 2018, Lisbon, Oriente station, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, train, train station 
ILCE-6500-20181007-DSC02986 : 2018, Hal, Lisbon, Lois, Oriente station, Portugal, _year_, train station  ILCE-6500-20181007-DSC02988 : 2018, Lisbon, Oriente station, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, train station  ILCE-6500-20181007-DSC02989 : 2018, Lisbon, Oriente station, Portugal, _year_, train station  ILCE-6500-20181007-DSC02991 : 2018, Lisbon, Oriente station, Portugal, _year_, train station  ILCE-6500-20181007-DSC02992 : 2018, Lisbon, Oriente station, Portugal, _year_, train station 
ILCE-6500-20181007-DSC02993 : 2018, Lisbon, Oriente station, Portugal, _year_, train station  ILCE-6500-20181007-DSC02994 : 2018, Lisbon, Oriente station, Portugal, _year_, train station  20181007 151457 : 2018, Lisbon, Oriente station, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, train station  20181007 151504 : 2018, Lisbon, Oriente station, Portugal, _year_, train station  20181007 101622 : 2018, Lisbon, Oriente station, Portugal, _year_, train station 
20181007 192802 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, Sao Bento station, _year_, train station  20181007 211124 : 2018, Lois, Porto, Portugal, Steve, The Wine Barrels, _highlights_, _year_, restaurants  20181007 223155 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, The Wine Barrels, _year_, restaurants  20181007 223236 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  20181007 174727 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_ 
ILCE-6500-20181007-DSC03001 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04405 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04407 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  20181008 111847  Laser etcher for cork similar to what they use at Lois' work for laptop covers : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04409 : 2018, Church of Mercy (Igreja da Misericórdia), Hal, Lois, Porto, Portugal, Teresa, _highlights_, _year_, church 
ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04411 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  20181008 112820 : 2018, Church of Mercy (Igreja da Misericórdia), Porto, Portugal, _year_, church  20181008 112848 : 2018, Church of Mercy (Igreja da Misericórdia), Porto, Portugal, _year_, church  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04414 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04417 : 2018, Mercado Ferreira Borges, Porto, Portugal, _year_ 
ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04420 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  20181008 114734 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_, clock  20181008 114744 : 2018, Infante Dom Henrique, Porto, Portugal, _year_, statue  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04423 : 2018, Hal, Porto, Portugal, Teresa, _highlights_, _year_  20181008 114842 : 2018, Hal, Porto, Portugal, Teresa, _highlights_, _year_ 
ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04424 : 2018, Lois, Porto, Portugal, Steve, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04426 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, Prince Henry statue (Monumento ao Infante Dom Henrique), _year_, clock, statue  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04433 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04434 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04436 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_ 
ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04437 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04439 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04442 : 2018, Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Luís I), Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, bridge, ships & boats  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04451 : 2018, Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Luís I), Porto, Portugal, _year_, bridge  20181008 123830 : 2018, Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Luís I), Porto, Portugal, _year_, bridge 
20181008 123918 : 2018, Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Luís I), Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, bridge  20181008 124011 : 2018, Hal, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04456 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  20181008 124122 : 2018, Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Luís I), Porto, Portugal, Teresa, _year_, bridge  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04458 : 2018, Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Luís I), Lois, Porto, Portugal, _year_, bridge 
ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04460 : 2018, Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Luís I), Lois, Porto, Portugal, _year_, bridge  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04462 : 2018, Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Luís I), Porto, Portugal, _year_, bridge  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04464 : 2018, Hal, Lois, Porto, Portugal, Teresa, _year_, bridge  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04465 : 2018, Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Luís I), Porto, Portugal, _year_, bridge  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04466 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_ 
20181008 124718 : 2018, Funicular dos Guindais, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04470 : 2018, Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Luís I), Funicular dos Guindais, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, bridge  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04473 : 2018, Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Luís I), Funicular dos Guindais, Porto, Portugal, _year_, bridge  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04480 : 2018, Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Luís I), Funicular dos Guindais, Porto, Portugal, _year_, bridge  20181008 125111 : 2018, Funicular dos Guindais, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_ 
ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04493 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, trolley  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04494 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_, trolley  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04495 : 2018, Lois, Porto, Portugal, Steve, _year_, trolley  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04496 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, Teresa, _year_, trolley  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04497 : 2018, Hal, Porto, Portugal, _year_, trolley 
ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04504 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_, trolley  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04506 : 2018, Church of Saint Ildefonso (Igreja de Santo Ildefonso), Porto, Portugal, _year_, church  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04508 : 2018, Church of Saint Ildefonso (Igreja de Santo Ildefonso), Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, church  20181008 133010 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04511 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_ 
ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04514 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, clock  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04517 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_, clock  20181008 134451 : 2018, Hal, King Pedro IV, Porto, Portugal, Teresa, _highlights_, _year_, clock, statue  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04529 : 2018, Hal, King Pedro IV, Porto, Portugal, Teresa, _highlights_, _year_, clock, statue  20181008 134605 : 2018, King Pedro IV, Porto, Portugal, _year_, statue 
ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04532 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04533 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, clock  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04535 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  20181008 135212 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04541 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_ 
ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04543 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04547 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04548 : 2018, Hal, Lois, Porto, Portugal, Teresa, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04550 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04552 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_ 
ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04554 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04558 : 2018, Fountain of the Lions (Fonte dos Leões), Porto, Portugal, _year_  20181008 143000 : 2018, Livraria Lello (Lello Bookstore), Porto, Portugal, _year_  20181008 143048 : 2018, Livraria Lello (Lello Bookstore), Porto, Portugal, _year_  20181008 143058 : 2018, Livraria Lello (Lello Bookstore), Porto, Portugal, Steve, _year_ 
ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04565 : 2018, Livraria Lello (Lello Bookstore), Porto, Portugal, _year_  20181008 143156 : 2018, Hal, Livraria Lello (Lello Bookstore), Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04567 : 2018, Livraria Lello (Lello Bookstore), Porto, Portugal, _year_  20181008 143320 : 2018, Livraria Lello (Lello Bookstore), Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04574 : 2018, Livraria Lello (Lello Bookstore), Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_ 
ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04576 : 2018, Livraria Lello (Lello Bookstore), Porto, Portugal, _year_  20181008 143811 : 2018, Livraria Lello (Lello Bookstore), Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04584 : 2018, Livraria Lello (Lello Bookstore), Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04585 : 2018, Livraria Lello (Lello Bookstore), Lois, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04588 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_ 
20181008 152602 : 2018, Il Pizzaiold, Porto, Portugal, _year_, restaurants  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04596 : 2018, Church of the Clerics (Igreja dos Clérigos), Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, church  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04600 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04604 : 2018, Hal, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04605 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_ 
ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04606 : 2018, Church of the Clerics (Igreja dos Clérigos), Hal, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, church  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04607 : 2018, Church of the Clerics (Igreja dos Clérigos), Porto, Portugal, _year_, church  20181008 160913 : 2018, Church of the Clerics (Igreja dos Clérigos), Porto, Portugal, _year_, church  20181008 160941 : 2018, Church of the Clerics (Igreja dos Clérigos), Porto, Portugal, _year_, church  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04610 : 2018, Church of the Clerics (Igreja dos Clérigos), Porto, Portugal, _year_, church 
ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04614 : 2018, Church of the Clerics (Igreja dos Clérigos), Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, church  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04615 : 2018, Church of the Clerics (Igreja dos Clérigos), Porto, Portugal, _year_, church  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04616 : 2018, Church of the Clerics (Igreja dos Clérigos), Porto, Portugal, _year_, church  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04617 : 2018, Church of the Clerics (Igreja dos Clérigos), Porto, Portugal, _year_, church  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04618 : 2018, Church of the Clerics (Igreja dos Clérigos), Porto, Portugal, _year_, church 
ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04619 : 2018, Church of the Clerics (Igreja dos Clérigos), Porto, Portugal, _year_, church  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04621 : 2018, Church of the Clerics (Igreja dos Clérigos), Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, church  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04624 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, Sao Bento station, _highlights_, _year_, train station  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04625 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, Sao Bento station, _year_, train station  20181008 162756 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, Sao Bento station, _year_, clock, train station 
ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04626 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, Sao Bento station, _year_, clock, train station  20181008 162941 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, Sao Bento station, _year_, train station  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04630 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, Sao Bento station, _year_, train station  20181008 163115 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, Sao Bento station, Steve, _highlights_, _year_, train station  20181008 163116 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, Sao Bento station, Steve, _year_, train station 
ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04633 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, Sao Bento station, _year_, train station  20181008 165014 : 2018, Lois, Porto, Portugal, Steve, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181008-DSC03033 : 2018, Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Luís I), Porto, Portugal, _year_, bridge, ships & boats  ILCE-6500-20181008-DSC03035 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_, bridge, ships & boats  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04638 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, bridge, ships & boats 
ILCE-6500-20181008-DSC03040 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181008-DSC03043 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181008-DSC03045 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_, bridge, ships & boats  ILCE-6500-20181008-DSC03047 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04641 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_ 
ILCE-6500-20181008-DSC03048 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181008-DSC03050 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181008-DSC03053 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181008-DSC04644 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181008-DSC03056 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_ 
20181008 193845 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, Teresa, _year_  20181008 211335 : 2018, Adega São Nicolau, Porto, Portugal, _year_, restaurants  20181008 211618 : 2018, Adega São Nicolau, Hal, Porto, Portugal, Teresa, _highlights_, _year_, restaurants  20181008 213441 : 2018, Adega São Nicolau, Lois, Porto, Portugal, Steve, _highlights_, _year_, restaurants  20181008 215106 : 2018, Adega São Nicolau, Porto, Portugal, _year_, restaurants 
20181008 221905 : 2018, Hal, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181008-DSC03012 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181008-DSC03013 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181008-DSC03015 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181008-DSC03017 : 2018, Lois, Porto, Portugal, _year_ 
ILCE-6500-20181008-DSC03018 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_, graffitti  ILCE-6500-20181008-DSC03020 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181008-DSC03024 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181008-DSC03027 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181008-DSC03029 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_ 
ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03058 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03066 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  20181009 112927 : 2018, Hal, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, animals, dog, restaurants  20181009 113219 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  20181009 113426 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, Teresa, _year_ 
ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03071 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03073 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03077 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03081 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  20181009 121647 : 2018, Parish Church of St. Nicholas (Igreja Paroquial de São Nicolau), Porto, Portugal, _year_, church 
20181009 121747 : 2018, Parish Church of St. Nicholas (Igreja Paroquial de São Nicolau), Porto, Portugal, _year_, church  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04648 : 2018, Parish Church of St. Nicholas (Igreja Paroquial de São Nicolau), Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, church  20181009 121810 : 2018, Parish Church of St. Nicholas (Igreja Paroquial de São Nicolau), Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, church  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03084 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, statue  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03089 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, trolley 
ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03091 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03093 : 2018, Parish Church of St. Nicholas (Igreja Paroquial de São Nicolau), Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, church, mural  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04650 : 2018, Monument Church Of St Francis (Igreja Monumento de São Francisco), Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, church  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04651 : 2018, Monument Church Of St Francis (Igreja Monumento de São Francisco), Porto, Portugal, _year_, church  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04652 : 2018, Monument Church Of St Francis (Igreja Monumento de São Francisco), Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, catacombs, church 
20181009 123411 : 2018, Monument Church Of St Francis (Igreja Monumento de São Francisco), Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, catacombs, church  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04658 : 2018, Monument Church Of St Francis (Igreja Monumento de São Francisco), Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, catacombs, church  20181009 123710 : 2018, Monument Church Of St Francis (Igreja Monumento de São Francisco), Porto, Portugal, _year_, catacombs, church  20181009 123735 : 2018, Monument Church Of St Francis (Igreja Monumento de São Francisco), Porto, Portugal, _year_, catacombs, church  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04662 : 2018, Monument Church Of St Francis (Igreja Monumento de São Francisco), Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, catacombs, church 
ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04666 : 2018, Monument Church Of St Francis (Igreja Monumento de São Francisco), Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, church  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04667 : 2018, Monument Church Of St Francis (Igreja Monumento de São Francisco), Porto, Portugal, _year_, church  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03104 : 2018, Monument Church Of St Francis (Igreja Monumento de São Francisco), Porto, Portugal, _year_, church  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04669 : 2018, Monument Church Of St Francis (Igreja Monumento de São Francisco), Porto, Portugal, _year_, church  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03108 : 2018, Monument Church Of St Francis (Igreja Monumento de São Francisco), Porto, Portugal, _year_, church 
20181009 131648 : 2018, Monument Church Of St Francis (Igreja Monumento de São Francisco), Porto, Portugal, _year_, church  20181009 131652 : 2018, Monument Church Of St Francis (Igreja Monumento de São Francisco), Porto, Portugal, _year_, church  20181009 131952 : 2018, Monument Church Of St Francis (Igreja Monumento de São Francisco), Porto, Portugal, _year_, church  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03110 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03112 : 2018, Mercado Ferreira Borges, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_ 
ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03120 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03123 : 2018, Palácio da Bolsa (Bolsa Palace), Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04671 : 2018, Palácio da Bolsa (Bolsa Palace), Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03124 : 2018, Palácio da Bolsa (Bolsa Palace), Porto, Portugal, _year_, clock  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03126 : 2018, Palácio da Bolsa (Bolsa Palace), Porto, Portugal, _year_ 
ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03127 : 2018, Palácio da Bolsa (Bolsa Palace), Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  20181009 140427 : 2018, Palácio da Bolsa (Bolsa Palace), Porto, Portugal, _year_  20181009 140459 : 2018, Palácio da Bolsa (Bolsa Palace), Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04672 : 2018, Palácio da Bolsa (Bolsa Palace), Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04676 : 2018, Palácio da Bolsa (Bolsa Palace), Porto, Portugal, _year_ 
ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04678 : 2018, Palácio da Bolsa (Bolsa Palace), Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04679 : 2018, Palácio da Bolsa (Bolsa Palace), Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04681 : 2018, Palácio da Bolsa (Bolsa Palace), Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04683 : 2018, Palácio da Bolsa (Bolsa Palace), Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  20181009 141327 : 2018, Palácio da Bolsa (Bolsa Palace), Porto, Portugal, _year_ 
ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04685 : 2018, Palácio da Bolsa (Bolsa Palace), Porto, Portugal, _year_  20181009 141357 : 2018, Palácio da Bolsa (Bolsa Palace), Porto, Portugal, Teresa, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04686 : 2018, Palácio da Bolsa (Bolsa Palace), Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04690 : 2018, Palácio da Bolsa (Bolsa Palace), Porto, Portugal, _year_  20181009 143004 : 2018, Palácio da Bolsa (Bolsa Palace), Porto, Portugal, _year_ 
20181009 143015 : 2018, Palácio da Bolsa (Bolsa Palace), Porto, Portugal, _year_  20181009 143037 : 2018, Palácio da Bolsa (Bolsa Palace), Porto, Portugal, _year_  20181009 143133 : 2018, Palácio da Bolsa (Bolsa Palace), Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04693 : 2018, Palácio da Bolsa (Bolsa Palace), Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  20181009 143310 : 2018, Palácio da Bolsa (Bolsa Palace), Porto, Portugal, _year_ 
ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03130 : 2018, Palácio da Bolsa (Bolsa Palace), Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03132 : 2018, Palácio da Bolsa (Bolsa Palace), Porto, Portugal, _year_  20181009 154108 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_, animals, dog  20181009 154130 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_, animals, dog  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03133-2 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, animals, dog 
ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03133 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_, animals, dog  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03134-2 : 2018, Hal, Lois, Porto, Portugal, Teresa, _year_, restaurants  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03134 : 2018, Hal, Lois, Porto, Portugal, Teresa, _year_, restaurants  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03135 : 2018, Hal, Lois, Porto, Portugal, Teresa, _highlights_, _year_, restaurants  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03136 : 2018, Hal, Lois, Porto, Portugal, Teresa, _highlights_, _year_, restaurants 
ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03138 : 2018, Lois, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, restaurants  20181009 155737 : 2018, Hal, Porto, Portugal, Steve, _year_, animals, dog  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03145 : 2018, Muralha Fernandina (Fernandina Wall), Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03147  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Hal, Lois, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, bridge, trolley  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04698  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Muralha Fernandina (Fernandina Wall), Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_ 
ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03148  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Muralha Fernandina (Fernandina Wall), Porto, Portugal, _year_  20181009 164257  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_, bridge  20181009 164319  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_, bridge  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03150  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Muralha Fernandina (Fernandina Wall), Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03151  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_, bridge 
ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03152  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Muralha Fernandina (Fernandina Wall), Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03156  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03157  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03158  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03159  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_ 
ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03162  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  20181009 165047  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Hal, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03164  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03165  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  20181009 165154  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_ 
ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03168  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _panorama, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04699  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _panorama, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04701  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _panorama, _print wood xfer, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03169  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03170  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_ 
ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03172  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03174  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Hal, Lois, Porto, Portugal, Teresa, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03175  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Hal, Lois, Porto, Portugal, Steve, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03177  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_, ships & boats  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03180  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_ 
20181009 170436  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04705  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04706  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04707  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  20181009 170633  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Porto, Portugal, Teresa, _highlights_, _year_ 
ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03182  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03183  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  20181009 170841  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Porto, Portugal, Steve, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03184  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03185  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_ 
ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03186  Photo from Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Dom Luís I) : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03198 : 2018, Gaia, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03202 : 2018, Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Luís I), Gaia, Porto, Portugal, _year_, bridge  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03204 : 2018, Gaia, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03206 : 2018, Gaia, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_ 
ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04715 : 2018, Gaia, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04719 : 2018, Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Luís I), Gaia, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, bridge  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03220 : 2018, Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Luís I), Gaia, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_, bridge  20181009 173352 : 2018, Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Luís I), Gaia, Porto, Portugal, _year_, bridge  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04723 : 2018, Dom Luís I Bridge (Ponte Luís I), Gaia, Porto, Portugal, _year_, bridge 
ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03221 : 2018, Gaia, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03223 : 2018, Gaia, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03224 : 2018, Gaia, Porto, Portugal, _highlights_, _year_  20181009 174610 : 2018, Gaia, Porto, Portugal, Steve, _year_  20181009 174735 : 2018, Gaia, Porto, Portugal, _year_ 
ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03225 : 2018, Gaia, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03226 : 2018, Gaia, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03227 : 2018, Gaia, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03228 : 2018, Gaia, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04725 : 2018, Gaia, Porto, Portugal, _year_ 
ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03229 : 2018, Gaia, Hal, Porto, Portugal, _year_  20181009 182854 : 2018, Gaia, Lois, Porto, Portugal, Steve, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03230 : 2018, Gaia, Porto, Portugal, Teresa, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04728  Port wine aging buildings.  Photo from Ponte Dom Luis I : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04731  Photo from Ponte Dom Luis I : 2018, Ponte Infante Dom Henrique, Porto, Portugal, _year_, bridge 
ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03233 : 2018, Funicular dos Guindais, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04735 : 2018, Funicular dos Guindais, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04739 : 2018, Funicular dos Guindais, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04741 : 2018, Funicular dos Guindais, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03237 : 2018, Patio Duque restaurant, Porto, Portugal, _year_, restaurants 
ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03238 : 2018, Patio Duque restaurant, Porto, Portugal, _year_, restaurants  ILCE-6000-20181009-DSC04742 : 2018, Patio Duque restaurant, Porto, Portugal, _year_, restaurants  20181009 195117 : 2018, Hal, Patio Duque restaurant, Porto, Portugal, _year_, restaurants  20181009 211124 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_  ILCE-6500-20181009-DSC03242 : 2018, Porto, Portugal, _year_ 
20181008 112910  20181008 125056  20181008 124941  20181008 125032  20181009 164742 
20181009 164445  20181009 152352