Akers leave for Germany  Akers leaving for the airport to move to Germany in April 2011 : Akers, Alison, Kelly  Akers leave for Germany  Akers leaving for the airport to move to Germany in April 2011 : Akers, Alison, Caitlin, Kelly  Akers leave for Germany  Akers leaving for the airport to move to Germany in April 2011 : Akers, Alison, Caitlin, Kelly  Akers leave for Germany  Akers leaving for the airport to move to Germany in April 2011 : Akers, Alison, Caitlin, Kelly  Akers leave for Germany  Akers leaving for the airport to move to Germany in April 2011 : Akers, Alison, Caitlin 
Akers leave for Germany  Akers leaving for the airport to move to Germany in April 2011 : Akers, Alison, Caitlin  Akers leave for Germany  Akers leaving for the airport to move to Germany in April 2011 : Akers, Caitlin, Kelly  Akers leave for Germany  Akers leaving for the airport to move to Germany in April 2011 : Akers, Caitlin, Kelly  Akers leave for Germany  Akers leaving for the airport to move to Germany in April 2011 : Akers, Caitlin, Kelly  Akers leave for Germany  Akers leaving for the airport to move to Germany in April 2011 : Akers, Caitlin, Kelly 
Akers leave for Germany  Akers leaving for the airport to move to Germany in April 2011 : Akers, Alison, Caitlin, Kelly  Akers leave for Germany  Akers leaving for the airport to move to Germany in April 2011 : Akers, Alison, Caitlin, Kelly  Akers leave for Germany  Akers leaving for the airport to move to Germany in April 2011 : Akers, Caitlin  Akers leave for Germany  Akers leaving for the airport to move to Germany in April 2011 : Akers, Kelly  Akers leave for Germany  Akers leaving for the airport to move to Germany in April 2011 : Akers, Alison 
Akers leave for Germany  Akers leaving for the airport to move to Germany in April 2011 : Akers, Alison  Akers leave for Germany  Akers leaving for the airport to move to Germany in April 2011 : Akers, Alison, Caitlin, Chrissy, Kelly, Sam  Akers leave for Germany  Akers leaving for the airport to move to Germany in April 2011 : Akers, Alison, Chrissy, Kelly, Sam  Akers leave for Germany  Akers leaving for the airport to move to Germany in April 2011 : Akers, Alison, Caitlin, Chrissy, Kelly, Sam  Akers leave for Germany  Akers leaving for the airport to move to Germany in April 2011 : Akers, Alison, Caitlin, Chrissy, Kelly, Sam